torsdag den 4. december 2008


I am pissed off today! I am pissed off! AND NO! It is not because of my biology exam that went really horrific and NO it is not about my crush that is so annoying because i want the person but cant have the person and NO it is not about that my quitting smoking didn't work out and now im spending money again on something that is deadly and NO it is not about my parents being psycho-bitches and NO it is not about the pile of homework that i have to do (which i know i whine about a lot!) and NO it is not about all the clothes that i need and want and cant live without. No it is not. well.... kinda but thats besides the point. 

It is about: When did it become okay to not have respect for one another? I will not (NOT!) comprimise myself just because someone has a stupid prejudice! I will not second guess myself just because some idiot (with an IQ lower than below average) has a stupid phobia! I dont freaking care how he feels about me, i dont even care what he thinks about me, but could he at least have respect for who i am? Is that too much to ask of a person which behaviour is similar to a monkeys and has the attention span of a 5 year old after 3 bags of gummy-bears?! 
im just going to stop.... ill just get more angry. 
i wont even bother with my outfit today. im too tired. sorry

mandag den 1. december 2008

why i love richard avedon

cat power! wuhu! 

thats it! im getting his book! 
If you dont know him, you should really check him out. His works are amazing! i had my favourite picture but i lost it! Cant say it enough i love him! 
fashion, politics, portraits! everyone who is interested in photographys dream! 
but... hes dead. WHY GOD?! WHY?