onsdag den 26. november 2008

some like it hot.

I dont know about you guys, but I HATE the winter! For several reasons. It is cold, windy, shitty, the sun doesn't really get up which means it is dark 85 % of the time (which is depressing!) and there is snow which eventually turns to ice or mud. But my final point is (in my opinion) clothes can be boring during winter. I like clothes so much better during the summer, when you can wear shorts (especially now when shorts for men are so much shorter... hint hint) and sunglasses! When can you wear sunglasses in the winter without looking like a total poser? Its like wearing dark shades in a nightclub, believe me, it's a big no-no! 
Sure in the winter you can wear big, oversized, warm and fuzzy shirts and that is all just wonderfull, but for me the downside is that you depend on your giant winterboots or your giant winter jacket. Sigh! what i wouldn't give to be driving down the street on my bike wearing nothing but a plain tee, a thin cardigan and a pair of shorts. And sunglasses of course. 

My dad told me that in an effect of the economy crisis, fashion has changed too. now stop me if you think i have no idea what im talking about (because i really dont)Because all the fancy stock people and money scientists or whatever their name is, are saying that we are going into a economic depression, everything will change, including fashion! Colorfull clothing is turning into elegant and semi-depressing colors like grey and black. is black the new black again? 
Ok i need to stop, im feeling very blonde today and not very articulate. 

But yeah, i think my dad is full of shit too. 

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