lørdag den 29. november 2008

my very good friend Isabel did this for me, and i posted it to LookBook! it got some hypes and stuff, and im very happy about it. i am actually starting to like this whole "fashion blogger scene". that is when i can pull myself away from all the homework i have to do. 

im becoming one of those people, one of those who gets up at like 12:30 am and dont shower untill they have to and wear their PJ's all day. im lazy i know.  


my dinner: green curry soup with chicken bits in it. 
i am: home alone for a couple of hours, much ice cream and chocolate is needed. 
i have: gone cold turkey on the smokes. which is killing me. 
me tea: is chai... again.
i am also: worried about the 3 major essays i have to write. 
my clothes: paul frank tee, pj bottoms, chain watch. 

torsdag den 27. november 2008

blonde moment of the day

WAIT? Europe is a continent?

onsdag den 26. november 2008

some like it hot.

I dont know about you guys, but I HATE the winter! For several reasons. It is cold, windy, shitty, the sun doesn't really get up which means it is dark 85 % of the time (which is depressing!) and there is snow which eventually turns to ice or mud. But my final point is (in my opinion) clothes can be boring during winter. I like clothes so much better during the summer, when you can wear shorts (especially now when shorts for men are so much shorter... hint hint) and sunglasses! When can you wear sunglasses in the winter without looking like a total poser? Its like wearing dark shades in a nightclub, believe me, it's a big no-no! 
Sure in the winter you can wear big, oversized, warm and fuzzy shirts and that is all just wonderfull, but for me the downside is that you depend on your giant winterboots or your giant winter jacket. Sigh! what i wouldn't give to be driving down the street on my bike wearing nothing but a plain tee, a thin cardigan and a pair of shorts. And sunglasses of course. 

My dad told me that in an effect of the economy crisis, fashion has changed too. now stop me if you think i have no idea what im talking about (because i really dont)Because all the fancy stock people and money scientists or whatever their name is, are saying that we are going into a economic depression, everything will change, including fashion! Colorfull clothing is turning into elegant and semi-depressing colors like grey and black. is black the new black again? 
Ok i need to stop, im feeling very blonde today and not very articulate. 

But yeah, i think my dad is full of shit too. 

tirsdag den 25. november 2008

blast my brain.

so i haven't been very good at posting outfits, since i've been busy with whining about the load of homework i have, and not really doing anything about it , like doing them. i just figure ill get to them later. some how everytime i decide on an outfit i cant help but feel that im not stylish enough. Or if i even were stylish to begin with, but thats a whole different story. Theres nothing like being critical. i judge myself, i really do. haha.... (akward pause aaaand moving on.)

yes that is indeed my PJ's! bottoms are topshop/man, shirt is random tourist shirt, scarf is vintage.  

i feel like a bitch only posting pictures of myself so here is a picture of my very best friend Isabel whom i spent the most wonderful week with in Belgium. im her lover... well no she just rapes me from time to time. this lovely girl is wearing all vintage. notice the confetti dots on her skirt and the oversized sweatshirt. 
yes. i will not say that much about this outfit other than: tank is vintage, jeans are cheap monday, fannypack vintage, head band is vintage. socks are... well who the hell cares. 

blast my brain.

yes, this outfit is quite nice. everytime people pass me they either say "merry x
mas!" or something about rudolph. i find it very irritating. this isn't really a christmas shirt, it is like the most awesome shirt in history. its a shame that its appreciated by so few people. 
the shirt is vintage from beyond retro and so are the drop-crotch pants. socks are my dads closet. 
shut up, wearing your parents clothes is cool! 
ah! this is actually from the same day, i just felt like dressing up. dont judge me. 
again, vintage! sweater is vintage lacoste and its white since its snowing, same drop-crotch pants from beyond retro and same socks. bandana from my moms closet. SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP! 
glasses are from a vintage store somewhere in brussels. and they are awsome. fo sho. 

thats what she said

im taking a break from homework to share with you angels. 
today im in a slightly perverted mood. i know that sounds bad but it's more of a everytime-i-hear-something-that-can-be-translated-into-something-sexual-i-laugh-my-ass-off sort of mood. ..... yeah i need to get a life. i think it is the lack of sleep and an overdose of sugar mixed together. 

i've been so busy starting school that i haven't even looked at the spring/summer collections. shame on me fashion blogger shame on me ! anyway. i have a secret crush on marc jacobs designs, but after his s/s line it's a crush turned obsession! 

this outfit is so new rave that i wanna barf. in a good way though, i like the pattern and that it is crazy but keeping it simple (with the colors) 

pantsuits seem to be very happening (excuse the phrase) right now.
 this reminds me of a granny outfit. 

the only reason i put this picture in was that i have a love/hate relationship with jourdan dunn. 
i love her because she is the most beautiful person on earth and i hate her for 
all the shows she has been in. eg. chanel, marc, vuitton etc. it seems like she has it all. 
love the touch of orange. 

men can get off with a lot more than they could before. shorts are getting shorter and shorter. (*hint hint, american apparel shorts! if anyone knows what im talking about?) 
i just have to get a tan first. 

ah well i do also have some pictures from the topshop unique collections but i am too lazy to share them with thee. ah, my attempt at sheaksperian or whats his face. 
i shall go get a cup of chaitea and then i shall go back to the study. 

au revoir mes anges 

mandag den 24. november 2008

kom säger dom

i have a song for all you guys out there. kom säger dom - familjen. download. fo sho. 
its swedish, if you were wondering. 

søndag den 23. november 2008

me. right now.

ok so this is what i have to worry about this minute: 

the homework, due tomorrow, that i have no idea how to do. 
personal project. 
the fact that i have a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear tomorrow. 
that i have no money.
that i have no money to buy cigarettes. 
that i dont know how i can afford to buy christmas presents. 
that this whole clothing company thingy isn't working out. 
that i need to read a 500 page book in under 2 weeks. 
that im hungry. 
that i want new clothes. 
that i need new shoes. 
that my parents are annoying me. 
that my room looks like shit.
that no one ever writes me on facebook. 
that no one reads this blog. 
that im stupid. 
that im doing something even though no one cares. 

im so sad.

lørdag den 22. november 2008

my secret love affair.

i know its bad, and i really shouldn't. but i cant help it. it costs me a lot everytime. i feel so ashamed. im addicted. to sushi. muahahhahahhah. 
i think thats a healthy addiction at least. but theres nothing like sushi. i would have taken a picture, but i was busy... drooling over my dinner. 

must-have list for xmas. 
if my parents love me they will give me money to buy
 all these stuff. 
american apparel circular scarf.

hi wonderland make out tee.

AA bat wing sweatshirt.

oh, and then 392q78569343557 other stuff that i want but probarbly never will get.
my camera is broken i think. it made the saddest little sound. hm. so todays outfit will only be explained. ready to get a mental picture? first, vintage black/grey drop-crotch pants, all blue Won Hundred shirt, big fuzzy grey cardigan from my dads closet, a necklace made out of a long silver chain and a small watch. 

now i have to do work. a couple of essays etc etc. and enjoy the rest of this snowy day. 

torsdag den 20. november 2008

as the boys are. HM

so ive been looking at the new CDG line for HM. And overall what i think is boring. Although it is in Comme des Garcons style, i just find it plain and ... boring. Well that is when it comes to the menswear. Womenswear is slightly better but not at all what i expected. CDG did however keep HM aesthetic and added a little of their. But still. 

I swear if i see one more polka dot in my lifetime i will peel my skin off. We have already seen it on tights, sweaters, t-shirts etc. its just getting borderline boring. And sort of mainstream, a word i am fond of. 
I am loving the drop-crotch pants (maybe because i just got me a pair from Beyond Retro)! They are simple but with a twist and a turn. 
Also the oversize short thingy are just great. 
NOW for the menswear...

Again with the polkadots. Okay, i do admit. With both the polo and the pants this outfit could be quite fetching but, only the shirt. No. 
The cardigan i love. I explained in a previous post! I put a curse on anyone who has bought it (only because i think its sold out everywhere).

life. so far.

okay, so.. I havent posted anything in about a month, because i had a vague idea that no one actually reads my blog... Hm. But anyway, i guess i didn't see the point in posting something if no one reads it. BUT now im going to do so anyway, just for kicks. Im sorry for being all emo-shit on you the last couple of posts. I had nothing to do, dont blame me. If anyone actually wondered what i have been doing the last couple of weeks then listen up.

I spent a week in Belgium, with my best friend Isabel. It was cool, we did a lot of shopping although i had promised myself i wouldn't buy ANYTHING! Buuuut, you know, you see the most awesome vintage store and you cant help yourself. Im ashamed, i know. It was the most fantastic week ever. Imagine a week without your parents, a whole week of freedom. I miss it, i really do. Shisha bars, cherry beers, smokes and vintage stores. got to love it. 
so since i've just moved to sweden, stockholm, i have of course started school after 3 weeks of wandering the streets alone, not knowing anyone. Except i might just have stayed away from school to long, because im am... rusty. (If that makes sense) I think i might already be failing, and i've only been in school 3 weeks. 
The social stuff is cool, people are nice. I had expected far worse. But everything is good... for once.  Even found myself some fellow smokers, and i thought people would chase me with torches. 

Stockholm is nice. Cosy city. So far ive found the most amazing secondhand shop in the world. Beyond Retro! I have no money.. Its sad, yes. 

Inspired by fellow bloggers, i have decided to do a head-to-toe thingy! You know, where you explain you outfit. I dont know if i have the time or energy, but i will try. So! This outfit is... hm, what is it? Well i wanted to look casual i guess. My scarf, i got the day before this picture was taken, in a secondhand shop (whatdoyaknow) i think i've worn it like a hundred times since then. Sweater is vintage Lacoste. Cardigan is Tiger of Sweden (mainstream i know! but who cares), fanny pack is from the same vintage store as the scarf, pants Cheap monday (which reminds me that i have got to get a new pair!) and finally shoes are Converse. Fo sho. And sunglasses i got at urban outfitters. again mainstream, but they're so damn cool! 

Anyone else that think that the new collection from CDG for H&M is really boring? For men at least. Boring and expensive. I did find a black cardigan that i was very fond of. But then again, everyone has those. Plus i didn't have the money. DAMN IT! 

I shall try to get into the swing of blogging. I hope. If anyone reads it. 