so i haven't been very good at posting outfits, since i've been busy with whining about the load of homework i have, and not really doing anything about it , like doing them. i just figure ill get to them later. some how everytime i decide on an outfit i cant help but feel that im not stylish enough. Or if i even were stylish to begin with, but thats a whole different story. Theres nothing like being critical. i judge myself, i really do. haha.... (akward pause aaaand moving on.)
yes that is indeed my PJ's! bottoms are topshop/man, shirt is random tourist shirt, scarf is vintage.
i feel like a bitch only posting pictures of myself so here is a picture of my very best friend Isabel whom i spent the most wonderful week with in Belgium. im her lover... well no she just rapes me from time to time. this lovely girl is wearing all vintage. notice the confetti dots on her skirt and the oversized sweatshirt.
yes. i will not say that much about this outfit other than: tank is vintage, jeans are cheap monday, fannypack vintage, head band is vintage. socks are... well who the hell cares.
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