lørdag den 29. november 2008

my very good friend Isabel did this for me, and i posted it to LookBook! it got some hypes and stuff, and im very happy about it. i am actually starting to like this whole "fashion blogger scene". that is when i can pull myself away from all the homework i have to do. 

im becoming one of those people, one of those who gets up at like 12:30 am and dont shower untill they have to and wear their PJ's all day. im lazy i know.  


my dinner: green curry soup with chicken bits in it. 
i am: home alone for a couple of hours, much ice cream and chocolate is needed. 
i have: gone cold turkey on the smokes. which is killing me. 
me tea: is chai... again.
i am also: worried about the 3 major essays i have to write. 
my clothes: paul frank tee, pj bottoms, chain watch. 

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